Monday, August 29, 2011

Various Programming Languages

•    A# .NET
•    A# (Axiom)
•    A-0 System
•    A+
•    A++
•    ABAP
•    ABC
•    Abel
•    ABLE
•    ABSET
•    ABSYS
•    Abundance
•    ACC
•    Accent
•    Ace DASL
•    ACT-III
•    Action!
•    ActionScript
•    Ada
•    Adenine
•    Agda
•    Agora
•    AIMMS
•    Alef
•    ALF
•    ALGOL 58
•    ALGOL 60
•    ALGOL 68
•    Alice
•    Alma-0
•    Amiga E
•    AMOS
•    AMPL
•    APL
•    AppleScript
•    Arc
•    ARexx
•    Argus
•    AspectJ
•    Assembly language
•    ATS
•    Ateji PX
•    AutoHotkey
•    Autocoder
•    AutoIt
•    Averest
•    AWK
•    Axum

•    B
•    Babbage
•    Bash
•    BASIC
•    bc
•    BCPL
•    BeanShell
•    Batch (Windows/Dos)
•    Bertrand
•    BETA
•    Bigwig
•    Bistro
•    BitC
•    BLISS
•    Blue
•    Bon
•    Boo
•    Boomerang
•    Bourne shell (including bash and ksh)
•    BREW
•    BPEL
•    BuildProfessional

•    C
•    C--
•    C++ - ISO/IEC 14882
•    C# - ISO/IEC 23270
•    C/AL
•    Caché ObjectScript
•    C Shell
•    Caml
•    Cayenne
•    Cecil
•    Cel
•    Cesil
•    CFML
•    Cg
•    Chapel
•    CHAIN
•    Charity
•    Charm
•    CHILL
•    CHIP-8
•    chomski
•    Oxygene (formerly Chrome)
•    ChucK
•    CICS
•    Cilk
•    CL (IBM)
•    Claire
•    Clarion
•    Clean
•    Clipper
•    CLIST
•    Clojure
•    CLU
•    CMS-2
•    COBOL - ISO/IEC 1989
•    CobolScript
•    Cobra
•    CODE
•    CoffeeScript
•    Cola
•    ColdC
•    ColdFusion
•    Cool
•    COMAL
•    Combined Programming Language (CPL)
•    Common Intermediate Language (CIL)
•    Common Lisp (also known as CL)
•    Component Pascal
•    COMIT
•    Constraint Handling Rules (CHR)
•    Converge
•    Coral 66
•    Corn
•    CorVision
•    Coq
•    CPL
•    csh
•    CSP
•    CSKA[disambiguation needed]
•    Csound
•    Curl
•    Curry
•    Cyclone
•    Cython

•    D
•    DASL (Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language)
•    DASL (Distributed Application Specification Language)
•    DataFlex
•    Datalog
•    dBase
•    dc
•    DCL
•    Deesel (formerly G)
•    Delphi
•    Dialect
•    DinkC
•    Dialog Manager
•    DIBOL
•    DL/I
•    Draco
•    Dylan

•    E
•    Ease
•    EASY
•    Easy PL/I
•    ECMAScript
•    Edinburgh IMP
•    EGL
•    Eiffel
•    ELAN
•    Emacs Lisp
•    Emerald
•    Epigram
•    Erlang
•    Escapade
•    Escher
•    ESPOL
•    Esterel
•    Etoys
•    Euclid
•    Euler
•    Euphoria
•    EusLisp Robot Programming Language
•    EXEC 2

•    F
•    F#
•    Factor
•    Falcon
•    Fancy
•    Fantom
•    Felix
•    Ferite
•    FFP
•    Fjölnir
•    FL
•    Flavors
•    Flex
•    FOCAL
•    FOCUS
•    FOIL
•    @Formula
•    Forth
•    Fortran - ISO/IEC 1539
•    Fortress
•    FoxBase
•    FoxPro
•    FP
•    FPr
•    Franz Lisp
•    Frink
•    F-Script
•    Fuxi

•    G
•    GameMonkey Script
•    GAMS
•    GAP
•    G-code
•    Genie
•    GDL
•    Gibiane
•    GJ
•    GLSL
•    GNU E
•    GM
•    Go
•    Go!
•    GOAL
•    Gödel
•    Godiva
•    GOM (Good Old Mad)
•    Goo
•    GPSS
•    GraphTalk
•    GRASS
•    Green
•    Groovy

•    HAL/S
•    Hamilton C shell
•    Harbour
•    IBM HAScript
•    Haskell
•    HaXe
•    High Level Assembly
•    HLSL
•    Hop
•    Hope
•    Hugo
•    Hume
•    HyperTalk

•    IBM Basic assembly language
•    IBM Informix-4GL
•    IBM RPG
•    ICI
•    Icon
•    Id
•    IDL
•    IMP
•    Inform
•    Io
•    Ioke
•    IPL
•    IronPython
•    IronRuby
•    ISPF
•    ISWIM

•    J
•    J#
•    J++
•    JADE
•    Jako
•    JAL
•    Janus
•    JASS
•    Java
•    JavaScript
•    JCL
•    JEAN
•    Join Java
•    JOSS
•    Joule
•    Joy
•    JScript
•    Jython
•    JavaFX Script

•    K
•    Kaleidoscope
•    Karel
•    Karel++
•    Kaya
•    KEE
•    KIF
•    KRC
•    KRL
•    KRL (KUKA Robot Language)   
•    ksh

•    L
•    L# .NET
•    LabVIEW
•    Ladder
•    Lagoona
•    LANSA
•    Lasso
•    LaTeX
•    Lava
•    LC-3
•    Leadwerks Script
•    Leda
•    Legoscript
•    LilyPond
•    Limbo
•    Limnor
•    LINC
•    Lingo
•    Linoleum
•    LIS
•    LISA
•    Lisaac
•    Lisp - ISO/IEC 13816
•    Lite-C Lite-c
•    Lithe
•    Little b
•    Logo
•    Logtalk
•    LPC
•    LSE
•    LSL
•    Lua
•    Lucid
•    Lustre
•    LYaPAS
•    Lynx

•    M
•    M2001
•    M4
•    Machine code
•    MAD (Michigan Algorithm Decoder)
•    MAD/I
•    Magik
•    Magma
•    make
•    Maple
•    MAPPER (Unisys/Sperry) now part of BIS
•    MARK-IV (Sterling/Informatics) now VISION:BUILDER of CA
•    Mary
•    MASM Microsoft Assembly x86
•    Mathematica
•    Maxima (see also Macsyma)
•    MaxScript internal language 3D Studio Max
•    Maya (MEL)
•    MDL
•    Mercury
•    Mesa
•    Metacard
•    Metafont
•    MetaL
•    Microcode
•    MicroScript
•    MIIS
•    MillScript
•    MIMIC
•    Mirah
•    Miranda
•    MIVA Script
•    ML
•    Moby
•    Model 204
•    Modula
•    Modula-2
•    Modula-3
•    Mohol
•    MOO
•    Mortran
•    Mouse
•    MPD
•    MSIL - deprecated name for CIL
•    MSL
•    MUMPS

•    Napier88
•    NEAT chipset
•    Neko
•    Nemerle
•    NESL
•    Net.Data
•    NetLogo
•    NewLISP
•    NEWP
•    Newspeak
•    NewtonScript
•    NGL
•    Nial
•    Nice
•    Nickle
•    NPL
•    Not eXactly C (NXC)
•    Not Quite C (NQC)
•    Nu
•    NSIS

•    o:XML
•    Oak
•    Oberon
•    Object Lisp
•    ObjectLOGO
•    Object REXX
•    Object Pascal
•    Objective-C
•    Objective Caml
•    Objective-J
•    Obliq
•    Obol
•    occam
•    occam-π
•    Octave
•    OmniMark
•    Onyx
•    Opal
•    OpenEdge ABL
•    OPL
•    OPS5
•    OptimJ
•    Oracle
•    Orc
•    ORCA/Modula-2
•    Orwell
•    Oxygene
•    Oz

•    P#
•    PARI/GP
•    Pascal - ISO 7185
•    Pawn
•    PCF
•    PEARL
•    PeopleCode
•    Perl
•    PDL
•    PHP
•    Phrogram
•    Pico
•    Pict
•    Pike
•    PIKT
•    PILOT
•    Pizza
•    PL-11
•    PL/0
•    PL/B
•    PL/C
•    PL/I - ISO 6160
•    PL/M
•    PL/P
•    PL/SQL
•    PL360
•    PLANC
•    Plankalkül
•    PLEX
•    Plus
•    POP-11
•    PostScript
•    PortablE
•    Powerhouse
•    PowerBuilder - 4GL GUI appl. generator from Sybase
•    PPL
•    Processing
•    Prograph
•    PROIV
•    Prolog
•    Visual Prolog
•    Promela
•    ProvideX
•    Pro*C
•    Pure
•    Python

•    Q (equational programming language)
•    Q (programming language from Kx Systems)
•    Qi
•    QtScript
•    QuakeC
•    QPL

•    R
•    R++
•    Racket
•    RAPID
•    Rapira
•    Ratfiv
•    Ratfor
•    rc
•    REBOL
•    Redcode
•    REFAL
•    Reia
•    Revolution
•    rex
•    REXX
•    Rlab
•    ROOP
•    RPG
•    RPL
•    RSL
•    RTL/2
•    Ruby
•    Rust

•    S
•    S2
•    S3
•    S-Lang
•    S-PLUS
•    SA-C
•    SabreTalk
•    SAIL
•    SALSA
•    SAM76
•    SAS
•    SASL
•    Sather
•    Sawzall
•    SBL
•    Scala
•    Scheme
•    Scilab
•    Scratch
•    Script.NET
•    Sed
•    Self
•    SenseTalk
•    SETL
•    Shift Script
•    SiMPLE
•    Simula
•    Simulink
•    SISAL
•    Slate
•    SLIP
•    SMALL
•    Smalltalk
•    Small Basic
•    SML
•    Snowball
•    SOAP
•    SOL
•    Span
•    SPARK
•    SPIN
•    SP/k
•    SPS
•    Squeak
•    Squirrel
•    SR
•    S/SL
•    Strand
•    STATA
•    Stateflow
•    Subtext
•    Suneido
•    SuperCollider
•    SuperTalk
•    SYMPL
•    SyncCharts
•    SystemVerilog

•    T
•    TACL
•    TADS
•    TAL
•    Tcl
•    Tea
•    TECO
•    TeX
•    TEX
•    TIE
•    Timber
•    Tom
•    TOM
•    Topspeed
•    TPU
•    Trac
•    T-SQL
•    TTCN
•    Turing
•    TUTOR
•    TXL

•    Ubercode
•    Unicon
•    Uniface
•    UNITY
•    Unix shell
•    UnrealScript

•    Vala
•    Verilog
•    VHDL
•    Visual C++
•    Visual C++ .Net
•    Visual C#
•    Visual DataFlex
•    Visual DialogScript
•    Visual FoxPro
•    Visual J++
•    Visual J#
•    Visual Objects
•    Vvvv

•    WebQL
•    Winbatch

•    X++
•    X10
•    XBL
•    XC (exploits XMOS architecture)
•    xHarbour
•    XL
•    XOTcl
•    XPL
•    XPL0
•    XQuery
•    XSB
•    XSLT - See XPath

•    Yorick
•    YQL
•    Yoix

•    Z
•    Z notation
•    Zeno
•    ZOPL
•    ZPL
•    ZZT-oop

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Beginning C#

  • Console applications are the ones that basically operate from console window i.e. they take input values and output results to console windows only.
  • Windows applications are the ones that work as graphical user interface and have rich windows control like buttons,text boxes etc.
  • Web applications run on a web server, they are generally designed to be accessed over network.
These applications can be designed using Microsoft Visual Studio Tool. Microsoft provides .NET Framework to design and run these applications. Advantage of .NET Framework being providing Consistent Programming Model. For Details about .NET Framework Read: Microsoft .NET